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When preparing a Journal Entry, the following restrictions should be observed:
Divisions should only complete the Green shaded section on the right.
Populating the fields
The fields should be populated as detailed below:
Email your completed Budget Transfer Form to
General Instructions
Department ID Request Type
New Department ID: If you know the Dept. ID being requested, type in the 5-digit Dept. ID value.
FIRMS Data Element Dictionary Program Code (CSU BU Rule4): This code tells us the activity the new department is supporting/offering on campus. Please visit the CSU FIRMS DED webpage.
Existing Department ID: If a change or inactivation is being requested for an existing Dept. ID, type in the 5-digit Dept. ID value.
Effective Date: First day of the Fiscal year the new department is being created. Example: 07/01/2019
Description of Department (30 Char Max): 30 character field to define the title of the new Dept. ID. Please note that the description may be modified to ensure campus-wide consistency.
Short Description of Department (10 Char Max): 10 character field to define the abbreviated title of the new Dept. ID. Please note that the description may be modified to ensure campus-wide consistency.
Will there be employees moved/hired into this department? Indicate if there will be employee(s) in this department. Complete an eFAST if moving employee(s) from another department to this new department.
Reporting Hierarchy: Indicate the existing Dept. ID that the new/modified Dept. ID will report to.
Provide justification for the request: Provide any information that may be helpful.
Approval: Name and electronic signature of the HR Liaison and also provide the extension, and the date of submission.
On the form, click the submit button and your form will show as an attachment in an e-mail (addressed to: and Lastly, click send.
No hand delivery. Electronic submissions only.
Employee’s Information
Transfer Chartfield Information
Fiscal Year: 2017/18 (example)
Monetary Information Box
Note: Please do not use % sign (e.g., use 50 for 50%); the total amounts will be automatically calculated.
Requestor’s Information
Click on to submit button, your form will show as an attachment in an e-mail (addressed
to: Lastly, click send.
General Instructions
Requestor’s Information
Action 1 – New Position or not – If a new position request, go directly to Effective Date
Action 2 - Request for Change to an existing position number
For Both Action 1 & Action 2, provide the following information
Finance Chartfield Values
✓ Budgeted Position – Indicate whether the requested position is budgeted or not
✓ Funding Source – Provide funding source information for the requested position (e.g., UBC
approved 15/16 position or Divisional one-time resource, etc.)
Pool ID – Alpha-numeric 3 character limit (not require/Budget Office will assign)
✓ CSU Payroll Unit – 3 digit limit
✓ CSU Working Title – Alpha-numeric / 100 character
Click on to submit button, your form will show as an attachment in an e-mail (addressed
to: Lastly, click send.